Fury Ford Woodmead doesn't care!
I've been a Ford customer for about six years now.
I was tricked into buying a battery that I didn't need, and the Manager of the Ford Fury Woodmead branch didnt even bother replying to my email when I reached out to him to sort out this issues that had taken over a week!
It all started when I took my car for service at Ford Fury Woodmead. When it came back from service my engine light was on (which means hazard to me) and one of the car's auto functionality was not working anymore. This was the first time this had happened on the car. It had never happened before I took it for service.
I then took the car back to be fixed 3 times in a space of about 5 days, as the problem persisted. The dealership then decided that the problem was caused by the car battery (which was 2 yrs old and as a result was out of warranty, meaning I'd have to buy a new battery, and of course pay for all the labour involved).
Given that I didnt want any more issues with the car I agreed that they replace the battery, on condition that it was the problem. Even after replacing the battery, the auto problem persisted, which meant that the battery was not the problem to start with. It was just used as a scapegoat.
I sent an email to the dealership manager asking for my battery refund because I was made to buy a battery which I didnt need. He didn't even bother replying, I guess he was busy with other important customers.
This is appalling! It's daylight robbery, and Im not sure why such poor customer service should be tolerated. It's wrong that Ford wants to make up for their profit losses (kuga) by tricking customers into buying stuff they don't need. It's just VERY WRONG!
Subsequent to the previous post, i visited the dealership principal to sort out the matter. I was very pleasee and humbled by his customer centric approach. It was clear that he had not gotten a chance to read my initial email. Post reading my email he was extremely helpful! He drove the car himself to see what the problem was, and quickly agreed that it had a problem and needed to be fixed. He offered a courtesy car so that my car could be given due attention. I was very pleased! Just his response alone deserves a 5 star rating! :-)
Fury Ford does not want business
Fury Ford Midrand does not want Clients.!!!!
Dealer principal Nardus Venter words to me a client for years. "You and your company is not welcome to buy vehicles from my company"
As a business person myself i get lots of clients which is unhappy with service but the cardinal rule in business is "a customer is always right" and you as business owner will do anything in your power to assure that your clients are always happy or if unhappy try to resolve issues because the servival of a business is dependend on clients and customer loyalty makes just good business sense.
Over the last 2 years i bought 3 Ford bakkies, a Ford Fiesta and a Ford Kuga. i was exstreamly happy with all the vehicles except the Ford Kuga which i bought for my mom. The engine light was already on before i took owbership of the vehicle, Ford promised to resolve the issue and i took ownership the biggest mistake ever. i had problems with the vehicle for almost 4 months and Ford was unwilling to resolve the issues. This was not a second hand vehicle so expected much more. I got furious and wanted Ford to give me a new vehicle. The issues after months was resolved and i swore i would never buy a Ford in my life ever again. Months passed and i realised that the Ford Kuga was a serious problem car and loads of them burned out so i fully understand that Ford had a vehicle in their group of vehicles that gave serious problems. I December decided to buy another baklie and 3 pane vans for my Company.and decided to give Ford another chance to redeam themselfs. I filled in all the applications and submitted all my documentation. I went on holiday and when i got back in January i phoned the sales person to ask aabout the progress of my application. He said to me sorry sir i was stopped by my dealer Principal Nardus Venter because he does not want to do business with your Company. I was shocked that s company in todays economy was not willing to do business with a client because of issues i had with another vehicle. i would thought they would ve so glad that i returned after a bad expierence to do business with them again. So i decided to share my story especially with shareholders and owners of Fury Ford because your employees does not care about your business or brand and is damaging the reputation of a company. Never have i heard about a company declining business because a client was unhappy with them in the past. This guy obviously do not care about the company he works for.
His decision did not effect me at all im just going 10km down the road to Lazurus Ford and going to buy exactly the same vehicles at the same price. But Fury Ford have just lost a deal for 4 vehicles and in the next 10 years lost en entire Company that buy 6 to 8 vehicles every 4 years. If i was a shareholder of Fury Ford i would be very concerned becuase i cannot be the only client which this guy is turning away. He obviously dont own equity in Fury Ford thats why he so quickly show the door to clients.
Have anoyne else had an expierence like this?
Went to Northcliff Fury last week for my radio (bluetooth not working) and they asked to come back today so I dropped off my car and then got a call around 3:30pm that the problem has been fixed. When I get there only to find out that they don't do radio replacements anymore. I bought this car in May 2016 but they can't fix it's problems while its still under warranty.. The guys there (Sales Advisors) are so mean and rude... I am so frustrated and angry... Siiiiiisssss!!!!!!!
Obcene Pricing
My student son's car ( mine actually) went in for a service this last week. Firstly there was no record of it being serviced a year previously with them (I have their invoice from a year ago) and was charged nearly R6000 for a normal service. This included R290 to replace rear left brake light (I was quoted R10 from Autozone), R890 for wiper blades (R145 from Autozone), and R900 to replenish the freon in the air conditioner. (The gas can't cost more than about R50).
This goes beyond extortion and greed. This is indefensible, and a disgrace! I shall NEVER (!) have this car serviced there again. And I shall ensure that I do as much negative advertising of Fury Ford on William Nicol as I can to as many people as I can.
The irony here is that I was going to buy A Ford Fusion, which plan has definitively been cancelled.
Bad Service
Good day
This year January I purchased a Tiguan 4motion , it is a 2011 year model , it was on maintenance and I extended it for 2 years.
The car was ONLY driven by the store manager , never bought by any customer.
When I went to change the tyres for the first time I was shown that one on the nuts in one of the wheels was FORCED in , meaning it was not *****ed properly.
I went back to VW Mastercars in Fury Northcliff they said they will get back to me.They never came back to until I went back there and I was told There is nothing they can do because the car went for 360 point check.
Mrs Thina Chili
So to follow up on this:
https://www.hellopeter.com/fury-mazda-pinetown/reviews/useless-salesman-and-dealer-principal- **********
The dealer principal contacted me on 26 Sept, a full month after initially being promised to have the LOST parcel shelf replaced on my vehicle.
I was assured, after the 1st Hellopeter review was done, that I will receive the part on 25 Sept. There was no communication on 25 Sept.
On 26 Sept, afternoon, the dealer principal contacted me, he confirmed the part had been delivered to them the morning of the 26th, and he will contact me tomorrow to arrange delivery.
27th September, dealer principal did not contact me.
sanele “my job is to only sell you the car” ndlovu contacted me, he confirmed there was some issue with the courier company and he can only deliver to part to me on 28 Sept.
Why was SEAN SCULLY unavailable to contact me?
Why did he pass the buck over to another salesman?
This is by far the worst dealership I have come across.
Useless Salesman and Dealer Principal
I purchased a used vehicle from Fury Mazda Pinetown (Honda Civic Hatch)
The deal was approved and the salesman sanele ndlovu confirmed that I can collect the vehicle on 4th August 2016
Between the 4th and 16th August, the salesman had attened to minor repairwork to the vehicle,
He did confirm that the number plates on the vehicle will be changed on 20th August (the day I went to collect the vehicle),
On arrival the number plates were not changed.
I also noticed that they lost the luggage cover from the vehicle.
On 1st viewing of the vehicle the luggage cover was installed on the vehicle,
I can verify this, as well as Shelly(salesperson at Mazda Fury Pinetown)
sanele assured me he would have the vehicle registered on my name by latest 22nd August, and have a new luggage cover as well.
After constant messaging and a few telephonic conversations with sanele he finally managed to complete registration on 26th August, 26 days after the vehicle licence had expired.
Still no luggage cover...
the salesman and dealer principal have not contacted me, and follow up on the luggage cover was initiated by myself.
25th August sanele confirmed, the luggage cover was ordered from Honda (He mailed me an invoice)
I contacted Honda Pinetown the next day, the Honda employee confirmed, delivery of said part will require 15 days before delivery.
This review was written on 13th September (19 days later)
I contacted salele on friday 9th September (nearly 1 month, 1 week since he confirmed the vehicle was ready for collection), he told me that they are still awaiting delivery from Honda, and I should expect the item by 30th September.
sanele confirmed he will provide feedback on monday 12th September.
He contacted me at 17:40 and told me that he and dealer principal will call me the next day, 13th september.
There was no phonecall...
The salesman had no intention to register the vehicle onto my name, his carelessness is the reason the luggage cover was lost, and still has no urgency to rectify this matter.
One of his responses to me was, "My job is only to sell you the car", he clearly does not understand the On the Road process of vehicle sales.
The dealer principal (Sean), didnt even offer us a greeting, I have no idea what his lastname is... Sean Simpleton I assume.
On collection of the vehicle the saleman was supposed to provide a small 'gift', chocolates and a beverage I was assured. None was offered, neither made no effort to provide some solution like a can of coke....
Salesman and dealer principal:
- Useless service
- Useless HR s****s
- Non-existant aftersales service
- Embarassment to Fury Motor Group
HandBrake putting a FULL STOP to Fury Mazda Fourways service...
I collected my car from Fury Mazda Fourways, which had been in there workshop for five days. The service could have been completed in one day. The handbrake was not working amongst other issues when I took delivery.
Note that the handbrake was working before the service.
I returned the car to be informed that the handbrake required two new cables.
The car was booked in for the day and I was informed the handbrake was 100 percent working. This was not the case at all.
The car was booked in again and sat for two days in their workshop before I was informed, that now they need a third cable (Just under R2000 now on cable parts)
I have now collected the car again without a functioning handbrake.
Once again the dealership have request that I book the vehicle in for the day.
BEST service EVER!!!
I would just like to thank the team of Philip,Tina and especially Demi at Fury Ford Midrand for excellent service, although im not the owner of a new car of witch my heart is very sore, they made me feel asif im buying the top class Ford there is, keeping me up to date on what's happening as everything unfolds, i would most definitely recommend these guys as they are professional, go getters, take real care of there customers and are determined to look after your needs.
Thank you Fury Ford Midrand, hope to one day sign on the dotted line.
Fury Ford does not want business
Fury Ford Midrand does not want Clients.!!!!
Dealer principal Nardus Venter words to me a client for years. "You and your company is not welcome to buy vehicles from my company"
As a business person myself i get lots of clients which is unhappy with service but the cardinal rule in business is "a customer is always right" and you as business owner will do anything in your power to assure that your clients are always happy or if unhappy try to resolve issues because the servival of a business is dependend on clients and customer loyalty makes just good business sense.
Over the last 2 years i bought 3 Ford bakkies, a Ford Fiesta and a Ford Kuga. i was exstreamly happy with all the vehicles except the Ford Kuga which i bought for my mom. The engine light was already on before i took owbership of the vehicle, Ford promised to resolve the issue and i took ownership the biggest mistake ever. i had problems with the vehicle for almost 4 months and Ford was unwilling to resolve the issues. This was not a second hand vehicle so expected much more. I got furious and wanted Ford to give me a new vehicle. The issues after months was resolved and i swore i would never buy a Ford in my life ever again. Months passed and i realised that the Ford Kuga was a serious problem car and loads of them burned out so i fully understand that Ford had a vehicle in their group of vehicles that gave serious problems. I December decided to buy another baklie and 3 pane vans for my Company.and decided to give Ford another chance to redeam themselfs. I filled in all the applications and submitted all my documentation. I went on holiday and when i got back in January i phoned the sales person to ask aabout the progress of my application. He said to me sorry sir i was stopped by my dealer Principal Nardus Venter because he does not want to do business with your Company. I was shocked that s company in todays economy was not willing to do business with a client because of issues i had with another vehicle. i would thought they would ve so glad that i returned after a bad expierence to do business with them again. So i decided to share my story especially with shareholders and owners of Fury Ford because your employees does not care about your business or brand and is damaging the reputation of a company. Never have i heard about a company declining business because a client was unhappy with them in the past. This guy obviously do not care about the company he works for.
His decision did not effect me at all im just going 10km down the road to Lazurus Ford and going to buy exactly the same vehicles at the same price. But Fury Ford have just lost a deal for 4 vehicles and in the next 10 years lost en entire Company that buy 6 to 8 vehicles every 4 years. If i was a shareholder of Fury Ford i would be very concerned becuase i cannot be the only client which this guy is turning away. He obviously dont own equity in Fury Ford thats why he so quickly show the door to clients.
Have anoyne else had an expierence like this?
Went to Northcliff Fury last week for my radio (bluetooth not working) and they asked to come back today so I dropped off my car and then got a call around 3:30pm that the problem has been fixed. When I get there only to find out that they don't do radio replacements anymore. I bought this car in May 2016 but they can't fix it's problems while its still under warranty.. The guys there (Sales Advisors) are so mean and rude... I am so frustrated and angry... Siiiiiisssss!!!!!!!
Obcene Pricing
My student son's car ( mine actually) went in for a service this last week. Firstly there was no record of it being serviced a year previously with them (I have their invoice from a year ago) and was charged nearly R6000 for a normal service. This included R290 to replace rear left brake light (I was quoted R10 from Autozone), R890 for wiper blades (R145 from Autozone), and R900 to replenish the freon in the air conditioner. (The gas can't cost more than about R50).
This goes beyond extortion and greed. This is indefensible, and a disgrace! I shall NEVER (!) have this car serviced there again. And I shall ensure that I do as much negative advertising of Fury Ford on William Nicol as I can to as many people as I can.
The irony here is that I was going to buy A Ford Fusion, which plan has definitively been cancelled.
Bad Service
Good day
This year January I purchased a Tiguan 4motion , it is a 2011 year model , it was on maintenance and I extended it for 2 years.
The car was ONLY driven by the store manager , never bought by any customer.
When I went to change the tyres for the first time I was shown that one on the nuts in one of the wheels was FORCED in , meaning it was not *****ed properly.
I went back to VW Mastercars in Fury Northcliff they said they will get back to me.They never came back to until I went back there and I was told There is nothing they can do because the car went for 360 point check.
Mrs Thina Chili
So to follow up on this:
https://www.hellopeter.com/fury-mazda-pinetown/reviews/useless-salesman-and-dealer-principal- **********
The dealer principal contacted me on 26 Sept, a full month after initially being promised to have the LOST parcel shelf replaced on my vehicle.
I was assured, after the 1st Hellopeter review was done, that I will receive the part on 25 Sept. There was no communication on 25 Sept.
On 26 Sept, afternoon, the dealer principal contacted me, he confirmed the part had been delivered to them the morning of the 26th, and he will contact me tomorrow to arrange delivery.
27th September, dealer principal did not contact me.
sanele “my job is to only sell you the car” ndlovu contacted me, he confirmed there was some issue with the courier company and he can only deliver to part to me on 28 Sept.
Why was SEAN SCULLY unavailable to contact me?
Why did he pass the buck over to another salesman?
This is by far the worst dealership I have come across.
Useless Salesman and Dealer Principal
I purchased a used vehicle from Fury Mazda Pinetown (Honda Civic Hatch)
The deal was approved and the salesman sanele ndlovu confirmed that I can collect the vehicle on 4th August 2016
Between the 4th and 16th August, the salesman had attened to minor repairwork to the vehicle,
He did confirm that the number plates on the vehicle will be changed on 20th August (the day I went to collect the vehicle),
On arrival the number plates were not changed.
I also noticed that they lost the luggage cover from the vehicle.
On 1st viewing of the vehicle the luggage cover was installed on the vehicle,
I can verify this, as well as Shelly(salesperson at Mazda Fury Pinetown)
sanele assured me he would have the vehicle registered on my name by latest 22nd August, and have a new luggage cover as well.
After constant messaging and a few telephonic conversations with sanele he finally managed to complete registration on 26th August, 26 days after the vehicle licence had expired.
Still no luggage cover...
the salesman and dealer principal have not contacted me, and follow up on the luggage cover was initiated by myself.
25th August sanele confirmed, the luggage cover was ordered from Honda (He mailed me an invoice)
I contacted Honda Pinetown the next day, the Honda employee confirmed, delivery of said part will require 15 days before delivery.
This review was written on 13th September (19 days later)
I contacted salele on friday 9th September (nearly 1 month, 1 week since he confirmed the vehicle was ready for collection), he told me that they are still awaiting delivery from Honda, and I should expect the item by 30th September.
sanele confirmed he will provide feedback on monday 12th September.
He contacted me at 17:40 and told me that he and dealer principal will call me the next day, 13th september.
There was no phonecall...
The salesman had no intention to register the vehicle onto my name, his carelessness is the reason the luggage cover was lost, and still has no urgency to rectify this matter.
One of his responses to me was, "My job is only to sell you the car", he clearly does not understand the On the Road process of vehicle sales.
The dealer principal (Sean), didnt even offer us a greeting, I have no idea what his lastname is... Sean Simpleton I assume.
On collection of the vehicle the saleman was supposed to provide a small 'gift', chocolates and a beverage I was assured. None was offered, neither made no effort to provide some solution like a can of coke....
Salesman and dealer principal:
- Useless service
- Useless HR s****s
- Non-existant aftersales service
- Embarassment to Fury Motor Group
HandBrake putting a FULL STOP to Fury Mazda Fourways service...
I collected my car from Fury Mazda Fourways, which had been in there workshop for five days. The service could have been completed in one day. The handbrake was not working amongst other issues when I took delivery.
Note that the handbrake was working before the service.
I returned the car to be informed that the handbrake required two new cables.
The car was booked in for the day and I was informed the handbrake was 100 percent working. This was not the case at all.
The car was booked in again and sat for two days in their workshop before I was informed, that now they need a third cable (Just under R2000 now on cable parts)
I have now collected the car again without a functioning handbrake.
Once again the dealership have request that I book the vehicle in for the day.
BEST service EVER!!!
I would just like to thank the team of Philip,Tina and especially Demi at Fury Ford Midrand for excellent service, although im not the owner of a new car of witch my heart is very sore, they made me feel asif im buying the top class Ford there is, keeping me up to date on what's happening as everything unfolds, i would most definitely recommend these guys as they are professional, go getters, take real care of there customers and are determined to look after your needs.
Thank you Fury Ford Midrand, hope to one day sign on the dotted line.
Fury Ford does not want business
Fury Ford Midrand does not want Clients.!!!!
Dealer principal Nardus Venter words to me a client for years. "You and your company is not welcome to buy vehicles from my company"
As a business person myself i get lots of clients which is unhappy with service but the cardinal rule in business is "a customer is always right" and you as business owner will do anything in your power to assure that your clients are always happy or if unhappy try to resolve issues because the servival of a business is dependend on clients and customer loyalty makes just good business sense.
Over the last 2 years i bought 3 Ford bakkies, a Ford Fiesta and a Ford Kuga. i was exstreamly happy with all the vehicles except the Ford Kuga which i bought for my mom. The engine light was already on before i took owbership of the vehicle, Ford promised to resolve the issue and i took ownership the biggest mistake ever. i had problems with the vehicle for almost 4 months and Ford was unwilling to resolve the issues. This was not a second hand vehicle so expected much more. I got furious and wanted Ford to give me a new vehicle. The issues after months was resolved and i swore i would never buy a Ford in my life ever again. Months passed and i realised that the Ford Kuga was a serious problem car and loads of them burned out so i fully understand that Ford had a vehicle in their group of vehicles that gave serious problems. I December decided to buy another baklie and 3 pane vans for my Company.and decided to give Ford another chance to redeam themselfs. I filled in all the applications and submitted all my documentation. I went on holiday and when i got back in January i phoned the sales person to ask aabout the progress of my application. He said to me sorry sir i was stopped by my dealer Principal Nardus Venter because he does not want to do business with your Company. I was shocked that s company in todays economy was not willing to do business with a client because of issues i had with another vehicle. i would thought they would ve so glad that i returned after a bad expierence to do business with them again. So i decided to share my story especially with shareholders and owners of Fury Ford because your employees does not care about your business or brand and is damaging the reputation of a company. Never have i heard about a company declining business because a client was unhappy with them in the past. This guy obviously do not care about the company he works for.
His decision did not effect me at all im just going 10km down the road to Lazurus Ford and going to buy exactly the same vehicles at the same price. But Fury Ford have just lost a deal for 4 vehicles and in the next 10 years lost en entire Company that buy 6 to 8 vehicles every 4 years. If i was a shareholder of Fury Ford i would be very concerned becuase i cannot be the only client which this guy is turning away. He obviously dont own equity in Fury Ford thats why he so quickly show the door to clients.
Have anoyne else had an expierence like this?
Went to Northcliff Fury last week for my radio (bluetooth not working) and they asked to come back today so I dropped off my car and then got a call around 3:30pm that the problem has been fixed. When I get there only to find out that they don't do radio replacements anymore. I bought this car in May 2016 but they can't fix it's problems while its still under warranty.. The guys there (Sales Advisors) are so mean and rude... I am so frustrated and angry... Siiiiiisssss!!!!!!!
Obcene Pricing
My student son's car ( mine actually) went in for a service this last week. Firstly there was no record of it being serviced a year previously with them (I have their invoice from a year ago) and was charged nearly R6000 for a normal service. This included R290 to replace rear left brake light (I was quoted R10 from Autozone), R890 for wiper blades (R145 from Autozone), and R900 to replenish the freon in the air conditioner. (The gas can't cost more than about R50).
This goes beyond extortion and greed. This is indefensible, and a disgrace! I shall NEVER (!) have this car serviced there again. And I shall ensure that I do as much negative advertising of Fury Ford on William Nicol as I can to as many people as I can.
The irony here is that I was going to buy A Ford Fusion, which plan has definitively been cancelled.
Bad Service
Good day
This year January I purchased a Tiguan 4motion , it is a 2011 year model , it was on maintenance and I extended it for 2 years.
The car was ONLY driven by the store manager , never bought by any customer.
When I went to change the tyres for the first time I was shown that one on the nuts in one of the wheels was FORCED in , meaning it was not *****ed properly.
I went back to VW Mastercars in Fury Northcliff they said they will get back to me.They never came back to until I went back there and I was told There is nothing they can do because the car went for 360 point check.
Mrs Thina Chili
So to follow up on this:
https://www.hellopeter.com/fury-mazda-pinetown/reviews/useless-salesman-and-dealer-principal- **********
The dealer principal contacted me on 26 Sept, a full month after initially being promised to have the LOST parcel shelf replaced on my vehicle.
I was assured, after the 1st Hellopeter review was done, that I will receive the part on 25 Sept. There was no communication on 25 Sept.
On 26 Sept, afternoon, the dealer principal contacted me, he confirmed the part had been delivered to them the morning of the 26th, and he will contact me tomorrow to arrange delivery.
27th September, dealer principal did not contact me.
sanele “my job is to only sell you the car” ndlovu contacted me, he confirmed there was some issue with the courier company and he can only deliver to part to me on 28 Sept.
Why was SEAN SCULLY unavailable to contact me?
Why did he pass the buck over to another salesman?
This is by far the worst dealership I have come across.
Useless Salesman and Dealer Principal
I purchased a used vehicle from Fury Mazda Pinetown (Honda Civic Hatch)
The deal was approved and the salesman sanele ndlovu confirmed that I can collect the vehicle on 4th August 2016
Between the 4th and 16th August, the salesman had attened to minor repairwork to the vehicle,
He did confirm that the number plates on the vehicle will be changed on 20th August (the day I went to collect the vehicle),
On arrival the number plates were not changed.
I also noticed that they lost the luggage cover from the vehicle.
On 1st viewing of the vehicle the luggage cover was installed on the vehicle,
I can verify this, as well as Shelly(salesperson at Mazda Fury Pinetown)
sanele assured me he would have the vehicle registered on my name by latest 22nd August, and have a new luggage cover as well.
After constant messaging and a few telephonic conversations with sanele he finally managed to complete registration on 26th August, 26 days after the vehicle licence had expired.
Still no luggage cover...
the salesman and dealer principal have not contacted me, and follow up on the luggage cover was initiated by myself.
25th August sanele confirmed, the luggage cover was ordered from Honda (He mailed me an invoice)
I contacted Honda Pinetown the next day, the Honda employee confirmed, delivery of said part will require 15 days before delivery.
This review was written on 13th September (19 days later)
I contacted salele on friday 9th September (nearly 1 month, 1 week since he confirmed the vehicle was ready for collection), he told me that they are still awaiting delivery from Honda, and I should expect the item by 30th September.
sanele confirmed he will provide feedback on monday 12th September.
He contacted me at 17:40 and told me that he and dealer principal will call me the next day, 13th september.
There was no phonecall...
The salesman had no intention to register the vehicle onto my name, his carelessness is the reason the luggage cover was lost, and still has no urgency to rectify this matter.
One of his responses to me was, "My job is only to sell you the car", he clearly does not understand the On the Road process of vehicle sales.
The dealer principal (Sean), didnt even offer us a greeting, I have no idea what his lastname is... Sean Simpleton I assume.
On collection of the vehicle the saleman was supposed to provide a small 'gift', chocolates and a beverage I was assured. None was offered, neither made no effort to provide some solution like a can of coke....
Salesman and dealer principal:
- Useless service
- Useless HR s****s
- Non-existant aftersales service
- Embarassment to Fury Motor Group
HandBrake putting a FULL STOP to Fury Mazda Fourways service...
I collected my car from Fury Mazda Fourways, which had been in there workshop for five days. The service could have been completed in one day. The handbrake was not working amongst other issues when I took delivery.
Note that the handbrake was working before the service.
I returned the car to be informed that the handbrake required two new cables.
The car was booked in for the day and I was informed the handbrake was 100 percent working. This was not the case at all.
The car was booked in again and sat for two days in their workshop before I was informed, that now they need a third cable (Just under R2000 now on cable parts)
I have now collected the car again without a functioning handbrake.
Once again the dealership have request that I book the vehicle in for the day.
BEST service EVER!!!
I would just like to thank the team of Philip,Tina and especially Demi at Fury Ford Midrand for excellent service, although im not the owner of a new car of witch my heart is very sore, they made me feel asif im buying the top class Ford there is, keeping me up to date on what's happening as everything unfolds, i would most definitely recommend these guys as they are professional, go getters, take real care of there customers and are determined to look after your needs.
Thank you Fury Ford Midrand, hope to one day sign on the dotted line.

Failure to Fix Cracking Sound, Software failure and Sunroof onJeep Grand Cherokee overland over 8 attempts

vw midrand

Bad service from Faw warentee and Tygerberg Multifrancise(TMF)

Bad repairs and service

Negligence cost me Money

Extreme bad service and quality

bad service


Horrendous service!!!!

Failure to Fix Cracking Sound, Software failure and Sunroof onJeep Grand Cherokee overland over 8 attempts

vw midrand

Bad service from Faw warentee and Tygerberg Multifrancise(TMF)

Bad repairs and service

Negligence cost me Money

Extreme bad service and quality

bad service


Horrendous service!!!!

Failure to Fix Cracking Sound, Software failure and Sunroof onJeep Grand Cherokee overland over 8 attempts

vw midrand

Bad service from Faw warentee and Tygerberg Multifrancise(TMF)

Bad repairs and service

Negligence cost me Money

Extreme bad service and quality

bad service