Review of Fury

1 review | Active since Jul 2011
01 Jun 2017 at 22:07

Fury Ford Woodmead doesn't care!

I've been a Ford customer for about six years now.


I was tricked into buying a battery that I didn't  need, and the Manager of the Ford Fury Woodmead branch didnt even bother replying to my email when I reached out to him to sort out this issues that had taken over a week!


It all started when I took my car for service at Ford Fury Woodmead. When it came back from service my engine light was on (which means hazard to me) and one of the car's auto functionality was not working anymore. This was the first time this had happened on the car. It had never happened before I took it for service.


I then took the car back to be fixed 3 times in a space of about 5 days, as the problem persisted. The dealership then decided that the problem was caused by the car battery  (which was 2 yrs old and as a result was out of warranty, meaning I'd have to buy a new battery, and of course pay for all the labour involved).


Given that I didnt want any more issues with the car I agreed that they replace the battery, on condition that it was the problem. Even after replacing the battery, the auto problem persisted, which meant that the battery was not the problem to start with. It was just used as a scapegoat.


I sent an email to the dealership manager asking for my battery refund because I was made to buy a battery which I didnt need. He didn't even bother replying, I guess he was busy with other important customers.


This is appalling! It's  daylight robbery, and Im not sure why such poor customer service should be tolerated. It's wrong that Ford wants to make up for their profit losses (kuga) by tricking customers into buying stuff they don't need. It's just VERY WRONG!

Reply (1)
Jabu’s reply
05 Jun 2017 at 12:28

 Subsequent to the previous post, i visited the dealership principal to sort out the matter. I was very pleasee and humbled by his customer centric approach. It was clear that he had not gotten a chance to read my initial email. Post reading my email he was extremely helpful! He drove the car himself to see what the problem was, and quickly agreed that it had a problem and needed to be fixed. He offered a courtesy car so that my car could be given due attention. I was very pleased! Just his response alone deserves a 5 star rating!  :-) 

Other reviews from Fury
28 reviews | Active since Oct 2017
22 Apr 2017 at 10:21

Bad Service

Good day


Dont bother to purchase a vehicle with them.  The manager is Racist, Arrogant, Unprofessional and Inconsiderate to his customers.


They can keep the vehicles.

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Failure to Fix Cracking Sound, Software failure and Sunroof onJeep Grand Cherokee overland over 8 attempts

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