Scam business masquerading as Telkom Directory
Formerly known as "Trudon" contacts businesses on the landline numbers and misleads owner/manager to believe that he/she is entering details for listing in the Telkom Directory.
In the fine print, under Agreement (point 3), however, it is specifically stated that “Telecom Directory is an independent online advertising company ... not affiliated to Telkom”. It also stated that the product provided is “advertising only” and that R7176 is due for this advertising (the amount is written in tiny, almost illegible words).
Once the consumer has signed this form, he/she will be held to the provisions in this tiny paragraph which are difficult to read and which he/she could easily fail to see or comprehend clearly.
Staff members from the company then make aggressive , frequent calls, threatening the consumer and his/her business if they do not pay the amount demanded.
Thank you for your concerns.
Kindly note that Trudon (Pty) Ltd is brand owner and publisher of the Yellow Pages, Phone Book, Internet Yellow Pages, Yellow Pages Mobile (incl App) and The Talking Yellow Pages and is the largest supplier of directional information to South African users (look ups).
Over the years, many of our advertisers have been approached by individuals calling themselves Yellow Pages or Directory Consultants when they are actually not.
These individuals are, in actual fact, independent consultants who try to persuade you to reduce your Yellow or White Pages costs by advertising with them. For their “services”, they charge you a percentage of the amount they have reduced your advertising by.
Their message to customers is often confusing and creates the impression that they are approaching you on our behalf or at our request. They often don’t have correct details and/or pricing structures. They give misleading information.
We, as Trudon, are in no way affiliated to these consultants. We deal with all our customers directly – either telephonically or face-to-face.
We sincerely regret that you have been inconvenienced by the independent consultants.
Kind Regards
Roshni Manga- Manager Customer Care
Thanks for the clarification, Roshni
On 10 October 2016 a certain Hussein Rabaney telephonically contacted our firm (Steenkamp Incorporated) enquiring whether we wish to extend / continue with the publication in the White & Yellow Pages. At first I agreed, but the same day decided not to proceed with the publication. When Trudon sent the "Advertising Final Proofs for Canvass C71 2016" form for our approval, I specifically wrote on this document to CANCEL and further wrote "Please cancel the 2 subscriptions with immediate effect". The final payment for 2016 was end of December 2016. When we received the Telkom bill we noticed that the Yellow & White Pages advertisments of R236,00 pm WAS NOT CANCELLED!!!! We were billed for January 2017, February 2017 and March 2017. We had a credit on our Telkom bill and the amounts were automatically deducted (WITHOUT OUR APPROVAL) - this amounts to FRAUD on the Telkom and Trudon's side. I reported this unauthorised deductions on 14 February 2017 to Telkom and was advised that a "dispute" must be lodged (Ref. No.: ********** 4). On 15 February 2017 a certain Rose Mabuka of Telkom phoned and informed us that we need to take up this deductions with Trudon and that Telkom cannot do anything about this. I specifically told her that WE PAY TELKOM - NOT TRUDON!!!!! But this does not apparently not matter to Telkom. On 15 February I telephonically spoke to a certain Margaret Aya ********** at Trudon and explained the situation to her and she requested me to e-mail her all documents, which I have done. I have further cc'd the e-mail to ********** ********** ********** and ********** Since my e-mail NOBODY from TRUDON ever responded to my e-mail!!!! If we refuse to pay Telkom, they cut the line and this is our business line!!!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE OUT THERE HELP US????????
Persistent refusal to cancel Telephone directory entries and bad manners from sales person
I have been advertising in the white and yellow pages since I established my business. I have been checking where leads are coming from and very little come from these directories so when asked about renewal, the sales lady Mayo Edith would not back down on my request for cancellation. She tried to get me to advertise on the Yellow Pages online site but I refused. My business comes from the local area paper as well as word of mouth. She then proceeded to insist that people throw away their newspapers. I have had situations where I haven't advertised for two weeks and they have dug out old papers to find my contact details> So, it is obvious that they want to force you to advertise. Last year I requested thye same thing and my adverts went in and I couldn't cancel 'because I had a 12 month contract' which I couldn't cancel. I am a very patient person but she has now made my blood boil on two occassions. She tried to put the phon e down on me when I was trying to tell her that I want acknowledgement of my cancellation request. She very abruptly told me that all calls are recorded so I don't need a letter of cancellation.
I feel that i have been harassed unfairly and at the same time with rudeness. When I have been treated in this manner I take umbrage when forced against my wil.
Something must be done about this type of service where the sales rep will not back down irrespective of what you have requested. This indicates a lack of respect and intelligence.
I encourage others to take note of this as I am now sick and tired of being treated this way
Debit scam
I have also fallen victim to this company and their partenership with Telkom. Since November 2016 I have been billed on my Telkom account for a Trudon White Pages directory service I never requested. Since Telkom refuse to remove this and made it my problem to try and get it cancelled. I have tried contacting Trudon in writing but at best you will get is an automated response and nothing comes of it. I phoned them and was advised to send an email to cancel this service but when following up a week later the ref number does not even show on their system. In the meantime the amounts are happily added to my account by their Telkom partners in crime.
A never ending contract with Trudon
Dear Madam/Sir
Our company, Vaal Choice Clinic, has been in a contract with Trudon (Yellow Pages advertisers) for a number of years. We had two contracts, one for telephone directory books (Yellow Pages) and one for electronic adverts. The monthly fee is included in our Telkom monthly bill (i.e. the Trudon Bill is included in our Telkom bill and all paid through Telkom). The contracts are renewed annually. Since 2016 we have been battling to get out of the electronic adverts contract.
Although we did not renew this contract in 2016, Trudon still added their bill to our Telkom account every month. In May 2016 we contacted the consultant on The Vaal Choice Clinic account and requested her to stop the contract but she never did and kept including their bill till now.
In May 2016 when we requested them to stop the contract, it had already expired and we were billled for 4 months then, with no contract in place. When we inquired how we were billed without a contract they claimed it automatically renewed itself. We requested a refund for the four months billed without a contract but our requests fell on deaf ears.
It is now 2017, the request we made in May 2016 was not actioned and on top of that we continued to be billed non-stop up to today. The Trudon bill alone constitute +R6000 of our monthly Telkom bill (this exclude the Telkom Services and products bill).
We will like to be refunded the R84 000. Billed from the end of the last signed contract to now, and Trudon cancell all existing contracts we have them.
We are at the end of our tether and request your assistance in this matter
Illegal Debiting via Telkom Account
I've been trying since December to get some response from Trudon regarding what I consider the illegal debiting for a contract relating to a business I've never heard of, nor signed a contract for, on my home telephone account. Numerous mails and breakdowns have been sent but not one response to date. It is also a waste of time arguing with Telkom as they say they don't collect the funds, Trudon do but this amount is on a Telkom Account and they hold the belief that if I don't pay my account in full I'm likely to be cut off. I cannot believe that companies of this magnitude are permited to get away with what seems to be modern day piracy - this seems to be a very ingenious and lucrative scam!
Unauthorized charges to Telkom Bill
Trudon is by far the worst company I have ever had to deal with.
Firstly they charge you for contracts that was never signed nor authorized and then they never reply to your e-mails, why bother having a customer care department?
Once again they are charging us for Yellow Pages advertising on our monthly Telkom billing that was never authorized by our Company. They can’t even find a recording to play back to us, but they are still charging us monthly.
It is such a shame that I have to turn to Hello Peter to hopefully get a response and refund from Trudon.
So let’s see if you can respond to me faster on Hello Peter than my e-mail that was send on 21/02/2017 to **********
Our Company details: TELKOM Account ********** 60001
I think it is time that Trudon gets investigated by the consumers protection act.
A Nigerian 314 Scam outfit run by assholes........
The *****s keep sending me on my cell phone messages with final demand of payment. I keep telling them what the heck for, send me an official invoice, to no avail. The company they claiming for is wrongly listed in their yellow pages and we have never had an advert in there. The asshole obviously are taking chances, or else they would be able to produce an official invoice with company details order No. etc. I would assume that this outfit is run by Nigerian 314 scamers. You try and call there Landline there is no response. Contact persons direct No. for Patricia is always going into voice mail......... what friggen idiots run this company I ask myself.......
No Service
Sent numerous e-mails to ********** so at to remove a service from my account. Every time i send a mail i receive an automated response stating that "We have received your query and will get back to you as soon as we can", Well sent a mail the 31st Jan 17, 08th Feb 17 and again on the 13th Feb 17 and todate still awaiting a response. Tried calling on the 14th & 15th Feb 2017 on ********** to complain, only to receive an automated message from customer care informing me that Trudon's offices will be closed from the Dec 2016 - 03rd Jan 2017 and then the call gets cut. We are now in Feb 2017 and they still have this message on, it sure says a lot about the shockign or should a say non existent service from Trudon. Best they get back to me soonest, failing of which i intent taking the matter further!
On 10 October 2016 a certain Hussein Rabaney telephonically contacted our firm (Steenkamp Incorporated) enquiring whether we wish to extend / continue with the publication in the White & Yellow Pages. At first I agreed, but the same day decided not to proceed with the publication. When Trudon sent the "Advertising Final Proofs for Canvass C71 2016" form for our approval, I specifically wrote on this document to CANCEL and further wrote "Please cancel the 2 subscriptions with immediate effect". The final payment for 2016 was end of December 2016. When we received the Telkom bill we noticed that the Yellow & White Pages advertisments of R236,00 pm WAS NOT CANCELLED!!!! We were billed for January 2017, February 2017 and March 2017. We had a credit on our Telkom bill and the amounts were automatically deducted (WITHOUT OUR APPROVAL) - this amounts to FRAUD on the Telkom and Trudon's side. I reported this unauthorised deductions on 14 February 2017 to Telkom and was advised that a "dispute" must be lodged (Ref. No.: ********** 4). On 15 February 2017 a certain Rose Mabuka of Telkom phoned and informed us that we need to take up this deductions with Trudon and that Telkom cannot do anything about this. I specifically told her that WE PAY TELKOM - NOT TRUDON!!!!! But this does not apparently not matter to Telkom. On 15 February I telephonically spoke to a certain Margaret Aya ********** at Trudon and explained the situation to her and she requested me to e-mail her all documents, which I have done. I have further cc'd the e-mail to ********** ********** ********** and ********** Since my e-mail NOBODY from TRUDON ever responded to my e-mail!!!! If we refuse to pay Telkom, they cut the line and this is our business line!!!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE OUT THERE HELP US????????
Persistent refusal to cancel Telephone directory entries and bad manners from sales person
I have been advertising in the white and yellow pages since I established my business. I have been checking where leads are coming from and very little come from these directories so when asked about renewal, the sales lady Mayo Edith would not back down on my request for cancellation. She tried to get me to advertise on the Yellow Pages online site but I refused. My business comes from the local area paper as well as word of mouth. She then proceeded to insist that people throw away their newspapers. I have had situations where I haven't advertised for two weeks and they have dug out old papers to find my contact details> So, it is obvious that they want to force you to advertise. Last year I requested thye same thing and my adverts went in and I couldn't cancel 'because I had a 12 month contract' which I couldn't cancel. I am a very patient person but she has now made my blood boil on two occassions. She tried to put the phon e down on me when I was trying to tell her that I want acknowledgement of my cancellation request. She very abruptly told me that all calls are recorded so I don't need a letter of cancellation.
I feel that i have been harassed unfairly and at the same time with rudeness. When I have been treated in this manner I take umbrage when forced against my wil.
Something must be done about this type of service where the sales rep will not back down irrespective of what you have requested. This indicates a lack of respect and intelligence.
I encourage others to take note of this as I am now sick and tired of being treated this way
Debit scam
I have also fallen victim to this company and their partenership with Telkom. Since November 2016 I have been billed on my Telkom account for a Trudon White Pages directory service I never requested. Since Telkom refuse to remove this and made it my problem to try and get it cancelled. I have tried contacting Trudon in writing but at best you will get is an automated response and nothing comes of it. I phoned them and was advised to send an email to cancel this service but when following up a week later the ref number does not even show on their system. In the meantime the amounts are happily added to my account by their Telkom partners in crime.
A never ending contract with Trudon
Dear Madam/Sir
Our company, Vaal Choice Clinic, has been in a contract with Trudon (Yellow Pages advertisers) for a number of years. We had two contracts, one for telephone directory books (Yellow Pages) and one for electronic adverts. The monthly fee is included in our Telkom monthly bill (i.e. the Trudon Bill is included in our Telkom bill and all paid through Telkom). The contracts are renewed annually. Since 2016 we have been battling to get out of the electronic adverts contract.
Although we did not renew this contract in 2016, Trudon still added their bill to our Telkom account every month. In May 2016 we contacted the consultant on The Vaal Choice Clinic account and requested her to stop the contract but she never did and kept including their bill till now.
In May 2016 when we requested them to stop the contract, it had already expired and we were billled for 4 months then, with no contract in place. When we inquired how we were billed without a contract they claimed it automatically renewed itself. We requested a refund for the four months billed without a contract but our requests fell on deaf ears.
It is now 2017, the request we made in May 2016 was not actioned and on top of that we continued to be billed non-stop up to today. The Trudon bill alone constitute +R6000 of our monthly Telkom bill (this exclude the Telkom Services and products bill).
We will like to be refunded the R84 000. Billed from the end of the last signed contract to now, and Trudon cancell all existing contracts we have them.
We are at the end of our tether and request your assistance in this matter
Illegal Debiting via Telkom Account
I've been trying since December to get some response from Trudon regarding what I consider the illegal debiting for a contract relating to a business I've never heard of, nor signed a contract for, on my home telephone account. Numerous mails and breakdowns have been sent but not one response to date. It is also a waste of time arguing with Telkom as they say they don't collect the funds, Trudon do but this amount is on a Telkom Account and they hold the belief that if I don't pay my account in full I'm likely to be cut off. I cannot believe that companies of this magnitude are permited to get away with what seems to be modern day piracy - this seems to be a very ingenious and lucrative scam!
Unauthorized charges to Telkom Bill
Trudon is by far the worst company I have ever had to deal with.
Firstly they charge you for contracts that was never signed nor authorized and then they never reply to your e-mails, why bother having a customer care department?
Once again they are charging us for Yellow Pages advertising on our monthly Telkom billing that was never authorized by our Company. They can’t even find a recording to play back to us, but they are still charging us monthly.
It is such a shame that I have to turn to Hello Peter to hopefully get a response and refund from Trudon.
So let’s see if you can respond to me faster on Hello Peter than my e-mail that was send on 21/02/2017 to **********
Our Company details: TELKOM Account ********** 60001
I think it is time that Trudon gets investigated by the consumers protection act.
A Nigerian 314 Scam outfit run by assholes........
The *****s keep sending me on my cell phone messages with final demand of payment. I keep telling them what the heck for, send me an official invoice, to no avail. The company they claiming for is wrongly listed in their yellow pages and we have never had an advert in there. The asshole obviously are taking chances, or else they would be able to produce an official invoice with company details order No. etc. I would assume that this outfit is run by Nigerian 314 scamers. You try and call there Landline there is no response. Contact persons direct No. for Patricia is always going into voice mail......... what friggen idiots run this company I ask myself.......
No Service
Sent numerous e-mails to ********** so at to remove a service from my account. Every time i send a mail i receive an automated response stating that "We have received your query and will get back to you as soon as we can", Well sent a mail the 31st Jan 17, 08th Feb 17 and again on the 13th Feb 17 and todate still awaiting a response. Tried calling on the 14th & 15th Feb 2017 on ********** to complain, only to receive an automated message from customer care informing me that Trudon's offices will be closed from the Dec 2016 - 03rd Jan 2017 and then the call gets cut. We are now in Feb 2017 and they still have this message on, it sure says a lot about the shockign or should a say non existent service from Trudon. Best they get back to me soonest, failing of which i intent taking the matter further!
On 10 October 2016 a certain Hussein Rabaney telephonically contacted our firm (Steenkamp Incorporated) enquiring whether we wish to extend / continue with the publication in the White & Yellow Pages. At first I agreed, but the same day decided not to proceed with the publication. When Trudon sent the "Advertising Final Proofs for Canvass C71 2016" form for our approval, I specifically wrote on this document to CANCEL and further wrote "Please cancel the 2 subscriptions with immediate effect". The final payment for 2016 was end of December 2016. When we received the Telkom bill we noticed that the Yellow & White Pages advertisments of R236,00 pm WAS NOT CANCELLED!!!! We were billed for January 2017, February 2017 and March 2017. We had a credit on our Telkom bill and the amounts were automatically deducted (WITHOUT OUR APPROVAL) - this amounts to FRAUD on the Telkom and Trudon's side. I reported this unauthorised deductions on 14 February 2017 to Telkom and was advised that a "dispute" must be lodged (Ref. No.: ********** 4). On 15 February 2017 a certain Rose Mabuka of Telkom phoned and informed us that we need to take up this deductions with Trudon and that Telkom cannot do anything about this. I specifically told her that WE PAY TELKOM - NOT TRUDON!!!!! But this does not apparently not matter to Telkom. On 15 February I telephonically spoke to a certain Margaret Aya ********** at Trudon and explained the situation to her and she requested me to e-mail her all documents, which I have done. I have further cc'd the e-mail to ********** ********** ********** and ********** Since my e-mail NOBODY from TRUDON ever responded to my e-mail!!!! If we refuse to pay Telkom, they cut the line and this is our business line!!!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE OUT THERE HELP US????????
Persistent refusal to cancel Telephone directory entries and bad manners from sales person
I have been advertising in the white and yellow pages since I established my business. I have been checking where leads are coming from and very little come from these directories so when asked about renewal, the sales lady Mayo Edith would not back down on my request for cancellation. She tried to get me to advertise on the Yellow Pages online site but I refused. My business comes from the local area paper as well as word of mouth. She then proceeded to insist that people throw away their newspapers. I have had situations where I haven't advertised for two weeks and they have dug out old papers to find my contact details> So, it is obvious that they want to force you to advertise. Last year I requested thye same thing and my adverts went in and I couldn't cancel 'because I had a 12 month contract' which I couldn't cancel. I am a very patient person but she has now made my blood boil on two occassions. She tried to put the phon e down on me when I was trying to tell her that I want acknowledgement of my cancellation request. She very abruptly told me that all calls are recorded so I don't need a letter of cancellation.
I feel that i have been harassed unfairly and at the same time with rudeness. When I have been treated in this manner I take umbrage when forced against my wil.
Something must be done about this type of service where the sales rep will not back down irrespective of what you have requested. This indicates a lack of respect and intelligence.
I encourage others to take note of this as I am now sick and tired of being treated this way
Debit scam
I have also fallen victim to this company and their partenership with Telkom. Since November 2016 I have been billed on my Telkom account for a Trudon White Pages directory service I never requested. Since Telkom refuse to remove this and made it my problem to try and get it cancelled. I have tried contacting Trudon in writing but at best you will get is an automated response and nothing comes of it. I phoned them and was advised to send an email to cancel this service but when following up a week later the ref number does not even show on their system. In the meantime the amounts are happily added to my account by their Telkom partners in crime.
A never ending contract with Trudon
Dear Madam/Sir
Our company, Vaal Choice Clinic, has been in a contract with Trudon (Yellow Pages advertisers) for a number of years. We had two contracts, one for telephone directory books (Yellow Pages) and one for electronic adverts. The monthly fee is included in our Telkom monthly bill (i.e. the Trudon Bill is included in our Telkom bill and all paid through Telkom). The contracts are renewed annually. Since 2016 we have been battling to get out of the electronic adverts contract.
Although we did not renew this contract in 2016, Trudon still added their bill to our Telkom account every month. In May 2016 we contacted the consultant on The Vaal Choice Clinic account and requested her to stop the contract but she never did and kept including their bill till now.
In May 2016 when we requested them to stop the contract, it had already expired and we were billled for 4 months then, with no contract in place. When we inquired how we were billed without a contract they claimed it automatically renewed itself. We requested a refund for the four months billed without a contract but our requests fell on deaf ears.
It is now 2017, the request we made in May 2016 was not actioned and on top of that we continued to be billed non-stop up to today. The Trudon bill alone constitute +R6000 of our monthly Telkom bill (this exclude the Telkom Services and products bill).
We will like to be refunded the R84 000. Billed from the end of the last signed contract to now, and Trudon cancell all existing contracts we have them.
We are at the end of our tether and request your assistance in this matter
Illegal Debiting via Telkom Account
I've been trying since December to get some response from Trudon regarding what I consider the illegal debiting for a contract relating to a business I've never heard of, nor signed a contract for, on my home telephone account. Numerous mails and breakdowns have been sent but not one response to date. It is also a waste of time arguing with Telkom as they say they don't collect the funds, Trudon do but this amount is on a Telkom Account and they hold the belief that if I don't pay my account in full I'm likely to be cut off. I cannot believe that companies of this magnitude are permited to get away with what seems to be modern day piracy - this seems to be a very ingenious and lucrative scam!
Unauthorized charges to Telkom Bill
Trudon is by far the worst company I have ever had to deal with.
Firstly they charge you for contracts that was never signed nor authorized and then they never reply to your e-mails, why bother having a customer care department?
Once again they are charging us for Yellow Pages advertising on our monthly Telkom billing that was never authorized by our Company. They can’t even find a recording to play back to us, but they are still charging us monthly.
It is such a shame that I have to turn to Hello Peter to hopefully get a response and refund from Trudon.
So let’s see if you can respond to me faster on Hello Peter than my e-mail that was send on 21/02/2017 to **********
Our Company details: TELKOM Account ********** 60001
I think it is time that Trudon gets investigated by the consumers protection act.
A Nigerian 314 Scam outfit run by assholes........
The *****s keep sending me on my cell phone messages with final demand of payment. I keep telling them what the heck for, send me an official invoice, to no avail. The company they claiming for is wrongly listed in their yellow pages and we have never had an advert in there. The asshole obviously are taking chances, or else they would be able to produce an official invoice with company details order No. etc. I would assume that this outfit is run by Nigerian 314 scamers. You try and call there Landline there is no response. Contact persons direct No. for Patricia is always going into voice mail......... what friggen idiots run this company I ask myself.......
No Service
Sent numerous e-mails to ********** so at to remove a service from my account. Every time i send a mail i receive an automated response stating that "We have received your query and will get back to you as soon as we can", Well sent a mail the 31st Jan 17, 08th Feb 17 and again on the 13th Feb 17 and todate still awaiting a response. Tried calling on the 14th & 15th Feb 2017 on ********** to complain, only to receive an automated message from customer care informing me that Trudon's offices will be closed from the Dec 2016 - 03rd Jan 2017 and then the call gets cut. We are now in Feb 2017 and they still have this message on, it sure says a lot about the shockign or should a say non existent service from Trudon. Best they get back to me soonest, failing of which i intent taking the matter further!

SABC Pathetic TV Licence Department

STaff are rude and need to be educated on license policies

Bad Service


So frustrated - debit order jumps from R141 to R410

Trying to deal with harassment from ex-wife and SABC at the same time!

Waste of time

Suspected spam demands for payment of TV licence by SMS


SABC Pathetic TV Licence Department

STaff are rude and need to be educated on license policies

Bad Service


So frustrated - debit order jumps from R141 to R410

Trying to deal with harassment from ex-wife and SABC at the same time!

Waste of time

Suspected spam demands for payment of TV licence by SMS


SABC Pathetic TV Licence Department

STaff are rude and need to be educated on license policies

Bad Service


So frustrated - debit order jumps from R141 to R410

Trying to deal with harassment from ex-wife and SABC at the same time!

Waste of time

Suspected spam demands for payment of TV licence by SMS