4 reviews | Active since Aug 2016
06 Apr 2017 at 10:38

Scam business masquerading as Telkom Directory

Formerly known as "Trudon" contacts businesses on the landline numbers and misleads owner/manager to believe that he/she is entering details for listing in the Telkom Directory.


In the fine print, under Agreement (point 3), however, it is specifically stated that “Telecom Directory is an independent online advertising company ... not affiliated to Telkom”.  It also stated that the product provided is “advertising only” and that R7176 is due for this advertising (the amount is written in tiny, almost illegible words).


Once the consumer has signed this form, he/she will be held to the provisions in this tiny paragraph which are difficult to read and which he/she could easily fail to see or comprehend clearly.


Staff members from the company then make aggressive , frequent calls, threatening the consumer and his/her business if they do not pay the amount demanded.

Reply (2)
Trudon, Publishers Of The Yellow Pages’s reply
06 Apr 2017 at 12:09

Thank you for your concerns.

Kindly note that Trudon (Pty) Ltd is brand owner and publisher of the Yellow Pages, Phone Book, Internet Yellow Pages, Yellow Pages Mobile (incl App) and The Talking Yellow Pages and is the largest supplier of directional information to South African users (look ups).

Over the years, many of our advertisers have been approached by individuals calling themselves Yellow Pages or Directory Consultants when they are actually not.

These individuals are, in actual fact, independent consultants who try to persuade you to reduce your Yellow or White Pages costs by advertising with them. For their “services”, they charge you a percentage of the amount they have reduced your advertising by. 

Their message to customers is often confusing and creates the impression that they are approaching you on our behalf or at our request. They often don’t have correct details and/or pricing structures. They give misleading information.

We, as Trudon, are in no way affiliated to these consultants. We deal with all our customers directly – either telephonically or face-to-face.

We sincerely regret that you have been inconvenienced by the independent consultants.

 Kind Regards

Roshni Manga- Manager Customer Care


Catherine B’s reply
07 Apr 2017 at 17:57

Thanks for the clarification, Roshni

2 reviews | Active since Oct 2017
05 Apr 2017 at 19:54


Been struggling since July 2016 with Trudon to stop Billing us for MobiSites for 2016 and 2017 as we did not request it.  They just don't come back with ANY feedback!!

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Carl D | 05 Apr 2017 at 10:31

SABC Pathetic TV Licence Department

<p>I received an email today, threatening legal action.  (AFTER PAYMENT WAS DONE ON TIME, MONTHS AGO!!!)  (Account # ********** 91 )</p> <p>I have been paying my TV license EVERY year since 1986 when I bought my first TV. I believe that I am one of a VERY LOW percentage of people who do indeed pay - the so-called RIGHT THING TO DO! (Although looking at the amount of reported mismanagement (Parliament oversee committee, et al.), I wonder whether it still is!)</p> <p>Today I submitted ANOTHER proof of payment, come on people, WAKE up!</p> <p>I demand an official apology, as well as PROOF that you have indeed credit my account as per my payment, not later than Friday 12:00!</p>
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